Home > Uncategorized > Florida Court to Pay for Neo-Nazi “Makeover”

Florida Court to Pay for Neo-Nazi “Makeover”


A Florida Court is paying $150 a day to cover up a defendents offensive tattoos during his trial. John Dituillo has offensive tattoos on his neck and across his face in which the court is paying make up artists to cover it up so he will not be judged on his tattoos and should be judged on the facts. The prosecution side is claiming that his tattoos are part of his identity and should not be covered up. Is it fair for his appearance to be covered in fear that he will be judged when he chose to get his tattoos?

Categories: Uncategorized
  1. tasingle
    December 6, 2009 at 9:48 pm

    I agree with the prosecution on this issue. The tattoos that he has conciously decided to put on his body and face are obviosly a part of his identity. I have a few tattoos and I consider them to be a part of who I am. He walks around every day exposing these symbols to anyone that sees him so why should they be covered up now that he is facing criminal charges. Also, I find it hard to believe that the state would use tax payer money to pay for a make-up artist.

  2. srbrown2010
    December 7, 2009 at 12:38 am

    I also agree with prosecution. I do not feel that the court should come out of pocket to pay for these tattoos when this is a part of who he is.

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